Poemat Semplice (2011)

The collection of guitar miniatures by Mirosław Franczak Poemat Semplice is a repertoire addressed to sensitive people looking for original literature, written in accordance with the nature of the instrument and exposing its wonderful and unique qualities. Narration and musical expression are in the best sense spontaneous and simple to convey, and thus intriguing and convincing. One gets the impression that the author with undiluted sincerity shares with the viewer something extremely personal and important, and for him creation is an inner need, a resultant of a rich inner life and contemplation of the world.This is a great value of this work. It is also free from the ubiquitous influence of tendentiously promoted popular music (usually weak) and does not show features of eclecticism, which, contrary to appearances, is not a very frequent phenomenon. Connoisseur will discover the above qualities of this work without unnecessary commentary, “others” will pass by indifferently. This is a conscious action of the author, who does not flatter the viewer and distances himself from the idea of mass dissemination and consumption of art.It is much more important for him to establish intellectual and emotional contact with a conscious and sensitive viewer. Indifference to the deplorable commercialization and the resulting freedom of creation also allows us to preserve the extremely valuable, in my opinion, tradition of creating valuable, original instrument literature by practitioners, sensitive and competent experts in the field. Compared to earlier epochs, the 20th and 21st centuries brought a significant reduction, mainly in terms of quantity. That is why every activity undertaken in this field is accepted by me with great respect and joy. Each of the compositions is reliably and professionally developed in terms of performance. The characteristic feature is balanced, not trivial and obvious (which is frequent) or orthodox and pushy (which is not rare), but a discreet and accurate technical implementation hint. This feature of the study should not come as a surprise, let us remember that Mirosław Franczak is one of the most outstanding Polish teachers.

dr hab. Tomasz Spaliński